jueves, 12 de junio de 2014


The history is about Aladin, a lazy boy who was living in a poor house with his mother, his father was dead, and he didn't helps to his mother.
But, one day Abanazar, a wicked magician from Morocco, pretended to be Aladin´s uncle, his name was Abanazar, who wanted to gain the trust of Aladin, for that he help him to find a magic lamp. He gave Aladdin and his mother presents, of clothes and money to make them like and believing him.
After that, one day Abanazar takes Aladdin far away form the city to a place on the hills, there , he gave Aladdin a magic ring to protect him to go into a cave and find an old lamp but doesn't know that it has magic powers. Abanazar gets impatient with Aladdin, and Aladdin refuses to give him the lamp, so, Abanazar closes the cave leaving Aladdin trapped inside, but when Aladin rubs a magic ring and a jinnee appear, does he manage to escape from the cave.

When he gets home, his mother rubs the lamp by mistake and an other jinnee appears, it bring them meats and rice on gold plates so they sell the plates for money and soon become very rich.
After a time, Aladdin sees the Sultan's daugther, the Princes Badr-Al-Budur and falls in love with her. His mother go to the palace and offer jewels to the Sultan to persuade him to let Aladdin marry his daugther. But, the Vizier however, wants his son to marry the Princess. He persuades the Sultan to give his son three months to find more valuables jewels.
When Aladdin hears that the Vizier's son is going to marry the Princess, he makes the jinnee of the lamp bring her to him. Aladdin tells her that he loves her and the next day the Princess tells the Sultan that she wants to marry Aladdin; so the Vizier asks Aladdin to prove how rich he is by bringing more jewels, gold and forty slaves and slave-girls. Aladdin uses the magic lamp and jinee gives Aladdin all these things and Aladdin takes them to the Sultan.

The Princess and Aladdin get married , but Abanazar discovered that Aladdin was alive and rich, so he pretended to be a lamps exchanger and make that the Princess gave him the lamp and when the jinnee appeared, he told him that let she and the palace to Morocco.
When the Sultan knew that, he told Aladdin that let her daughter alive or he will be killed so Aladdin remembered his magic ring and the jinnee of the ring takes him to Morocco where Aladdin killed the magician. After that, the lamp jinnee take Aladdin, the Princess and the palace again to Arabia and forever Aladdin keep the lamp on his pocket.

miércoles, 11 de junio de 2014


When you in on my house the first that you see is the living room, on that there are 5 chairs, a coffee table between them and next to one of the chairs there are a library next to the t.v; under it, there are an stereo. Also on the walls there are some pictures and one watch;and on the floor there are some plants.

Next to the living room, is the kitchen, on that there are a dining with 5 chairs, next of it there is a furniture and next to it is the dish washer. The stove is next to the dish washer and the refrigerator is in front of the stove. On one wall there are a cabinet with plates and cups.
In front of the dining there are two doors, each one open the bedrooms.
One of the bedrooms is of my parents and there are one bed, next to it a night table and on it are some images of the Virgin Mary, next to that table  there is a  closet, and in front of the bed there are a furniture with a mirror on the wall.
The other bedroom is  the mine,  and  on it there are two beds; in front of those there are a closet and on it there are a tv; next to one bed there is a computer and next to it there a forniture with a mirror on the wall.
In both bedrooms there are some pictures on their walls.
Next to one bedroom, there are a yard with a laundry a next to the laundry there is a washing machine and a pail for the dirty clothes. In one corner is the trash pail.
Finally next to the yard, is the bathroom with the respectives characteristics of a bathroom.

martes, 10 de junio de 2014


1. If you are in the park, and want to buy some food, just go straight ahead, cross the Main street and by the left of the Maple street, you find the grocery store in front of the bank.

2. If you are on the bus stop and have to go to the travel agent, you have to walk a       block by the left of the Main    street, turn left on Davis street and in front of the grocery store, is the  agency.

 3. If you end to see a movie,and after it, want to eat some chinese food, you have to walk to the corner of the block, turn left by the Main street, walk one block, turn left again by the Maple street, cross it and next to the bookstore, there is a Chinese restaurant.



This book tells the history about a young girl who is called Beauty, she was a clever, kind and lovely girl and was a lover of books.
Beauty was living in a big white house by the sea with her rich father who had a lot of ships, three brothers and two older sisters, they two was totally different to Beauty, they only loved to go parties and wear fine clothes, and for that reason they were nasty with her.

One day on a strong storm, her father lose all his ships on the sea, losing there all his fortune and seeing himself forced to sell his big white house for go to live in a little house in the country.

When they move to new house , the older Beauty´s sisters was very angry and bored because the house was small, but she started to clean it and make some tea while was singing and their sisters was angry with her because doesn't understand why she was so happy.

After a time his father received a letter with notice of one of his ships that come back to him with silver and gold, so he had to go on his horse to the sea, but before Beauty asked a rose to her father for  when he come back of the travel.

The father couldn't received his ship and he was on the road to come back to her family and  on a strange forest he remembered the rose asked from Beauty, so he cut a rose, but this roses were of a Beast who lived on a big palace near this forest.

When the Beast saw that the man was cutting his rose, he was very angry with him and asked him that has to return there with one of his daughters for live with him and if he didn´t do, would  return to die and, for that, the Beast gave him a box with gold coins.

Beauty was the daughter that returned to the palace to live with the Beast, and although in the beginning she was afraid to the Beast, she started to see that he was a kind and good.

The Beast fell in love of Beauty and everyday  asked her that marry him, but she didn't do because although he was good with her, was ugly and she couldn't marry him.
But one day when she come back for a couple of days to her father's house because he was sick, had a dream on that the Beast was dying on the ground waiting for she. So she came back to the palace and found the Beast on the ground and on that moment  felt how much she loved him and doesn't wished that he die.

In this moment, a fairy appear and a lot of lights shine, the Beast disappear and in change of him, a handsome man was there.
With that, a spell that was for long time in the handsome man disappeared, thanks to the beautiful Beauty´s heart; after that, they married and lived together forever.

domingo, 8 de junio de 2014


My name is Ana Cristina and my last name are Atehortúa Osorno, I'm 21 years old and I´m student of fourth semester of Nutrition and Dietetics in the Antioquia´s University, I live in Bello in Prado neighborhood with my mom and dad, so in my house there are three people, they two and I.
My mom is Fabiola Osorno, she's 55 years old and is housewife and my dad is Jesus Alexis Atehortúa, he's 66 years old and is an independent worker.
I have one brother and two half-sisters. My brother is Alexis Atehortua he's 24 years old and he have his own business, my two half sisters are Lina and Sandra, they live in New York city and they're around 35 or 40 years old, Sandra is housewife and Lina works in a bank. 
Also I  have two  nieces and one nephew. Maria José, she's 26 of born and is the daugther of Alexis, my brother,  and Camila and Danny, they are sons of Sandra and have around three or five years old.
IIn a normal day I go to the University, speak with my friends and parents and make my homeworks, on weekends I work with my mom selling fast food and when my friends plan something I go to dance, see movies on the cinema or go to eat something; I also go to the church with my mom on sundays and spend time with my big family!
My favorite colors are white, yellow and black, my favorite food is rice with milk and my hobbie is smile all the time :).
 I don't practice any sport but I like too much the volleyball; I like all kind of music, but my favorite is rock,pop and reggae, my favorite band is coldplay and cultura profetica and I also like singers as Rihana and  Bruno Mars. 

My favorite tv show are  bizarre emergencies and medics enigmas and aboout collect, I don't collect anything and my favorite movie is intouchables.
I´m single and I don't have boyfriend, but I love the animals!! so, I have a pet, it's a dog and it's name is Nicky, I love him!!