The history is about Aladin, a lazy boy who was living in a poor house with his mother, his father was dead, and he didn't helps to his mother.
But, one day Abanazar, a wicked magician from Morocco, pretended to be Aladin´s uncle, his name was Abanazar, who wanted to gain the trust of Aladin, for that he help him to find a magic lamp. He gave Aladdin and his mother presents, of clothes and money to make them like and believing him.
After that, one day Abanazar takes Aladdin far away form the city to a place on the hills, there , he gave Aladdin a magic ring to protect him to go into a cave and find an old lamp but doesn't know that it has magic powers. Abanazar gets impatient with Aladdin, and Aladdin refuses to give him the lamp, so, Abanazar closes the cave leaving Aladdin trapped inside, but when Aladin rubs a magic ring and a jinnee appear, does he manage to escape from the cave.
When he gets home, his mother rubs the lamp by mistake and an other jinnee appears, it bring them meats and rice on gold plates so they sell the plates for money and soon become very rich.
After a time, Aladdin sees the Sultan's daugther, the Princes Badr-Al-Budur and falls in love with her. His mother go to the palace and offer jewels to the Sultan to persuade him to let Aladdin marry his daugther. But, the Vizier however, wants his son to marry the Princess. He persuades the Sultan to give his son three months to find more valuables jewels.
When Aladdin hears that the Vizier's son is going to marry the Princess, he makes the jinnee of the lamp bring her to him. Aladdin tells her that he loves her and the next day the Princess tells the Sultan that she wants to marry Aladdin; so the Vizier asks Aladdin to prove how rich he is by bringing more jewels, gold and forty slaves and slave-girls. Aladdin uses the magic lamp and jinee gives Aladdin all these things and Aladdin takes them to the Sultan.
The Princess and Aladdin get married , but Abanazar discovered that Aladdin was alive and rich, so he pretended to be a lamps exchanger and make that the Princess gave him the lamp and when the jinnee appeared, he told him that let she and the palace to Morocco.
When the Sultan knew that, he told Aladdin that let her daughter alive or he will be killed so Aladdin remembered his magic ring and the jinnee of the ring takes him to Morocco where Aladdin killed the magician. After that, the lamp jinnee take Aladdin, the Princess and the palace again to Arabia and forever Aladdin keep the lamp on his pocket.